Painting Aids

Every artist needs additional items beyond their paint, brush and canvas.

A good range of palettes are essential to any artist, as every painting is different. Have you ever found yourself working with 5 plates at once on an acrylic painting, and wanted nothing more than a couple of well sectioned, plastic palettes?

Manikins are helpful to keep you right when nobody else is around for reference. Whether your problem is with hands or the full body itself, a manikin of any size on your desk will keep you right in your painting, and your proportions.

Art folders are a saving grace to the artist. Being able to carry any size of canvas or paper around without bending, creasing or rolling it is a blessing to the humble artist and a must have.

Dosing nozzles are a fantastic, handy tool for a detail centric artist. Small science like pipettes are great, but ones specifically made for use with the amazing Amsterdam acrylic range are a step up in art technology. So simple, but after using one you’ll wonder how we ever did without.

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